Monday, September 2, 2013

The Big Bang

Hello everybody,
My blog today is about The Big Bang. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe started 14 billion years ago.So back then, all the stuff in the universe was all just a thick dense point called a singularity. But in that small little ball contained all the elements that would create the universe. No one knows why it exploded, but it sent time, space, and matter flying everywhere.The universe was very hot at first about 10,000 million million million degrees wow. Well after things started to  cooled down a bit, the first stars and galaxies began to form. Even today the universe is still expanding.Well the Big Bang theory was first proposed by Belgian priest and an astronomer named Georges Lemaitre. He said that the universe started in a giant explosion.But there were other theories on how universe began; one was called the steady state theory. According to this theory, the universe just sort of appeared. American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, discovered major evidence supporting the Big bang theory. He said that, not only the universe moving, but all matter has taken the same amount of time to get to where it is today.
Well later in the 1960’s, several radio telescopes found proof of the Big Bang, one telescope was able to look so far in the universe that it found leftovers of the radiation given off by the Big Bang.Well this is it, it is time for me to leave so goodbye.      


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