Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello everybody,
Today we are going to talk about black holes. Well, a black hole is a region of the universe that is really dense that it traps stuff in it for ever. First I will tell you about how a black hole is formed. Scientists think that there are at least two ways that black holes can form. One is through the death of a large star. Just think of a star like a big fireball and just like fire it needs fuel to burn. Normally as a star burns its fuel it creates a short push that counters the force of gravity pushing in the star's center. Soon,  the fuel runs out. when this happens in a large enough star the force of gravity makes the entire star explode and it becomes a black hole.

 The second way a black hole can form is the collection of matter at the center of our galaxy. one crazy thing about black holes is that nothing can escape it not even light. So you cant really see a black hole.Lets say that you are in space and you got to close to a black hole you would be sucked in and once you pass the event horizon you can never EVER return. Then you would be ripped into individual atoms. Black holes have three layers the outer and inner event horizon and the singularity.

Now lets talk about space time. the universe is measured in something called space time. in the everyday world  matter takes up dimension length, height and width . but there is another dimension that works were closely like the other three. That is how we can see and measure events . So if you take time and add it together and add it together you would get space time. Scientist often say space time is kind of like never ending fabric.  Recent evidence shows that black holes have major influence on the neighborhoods around them.
According to Albert Einsteins theory of relativity, the fabric is not just flat it bends around objects. this bending represents the force of gravity so the more bigger the objects is the more space time is bent. Lets say we have a small tennis ball representing the sun. If we placed that ball on a piece of fabric representing space time the fabric would bends a little because the sun has mass and a little gravitational pull.A black hole though would be like putting a bowling ball on the fabric. Because it is much more massive so its gravity is stronger. So that would mean the distortion in space time would be extreme. Scientists can't directly observe black holes with telescopes that detect x-rays, light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. We can, however, infer the presence of black holes and study them by detecting their effect on other matter nearby.
If a black hole got into our solar system planets would be colliding with each other.

well I got to go so bye.
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  1. Hi sachin i like your graph of space time. The Things That could be better is make it in your own words and make it not sound like a text book next time.

  2. you can not sound like a text book so much i love your pictures so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I like most of your stuff. the pics were good. Why do you have such an abrupt stop? you didn't even say bye!

  4. love the pics but it sounded a little lika a text book.

  5. I liked the pics and it had good info but you cant tell where the links go A-

  6. The pics were good and the writing was very good, but I would add hyperlinks. Overall very good.
