Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Uranus. We can first start to talk about who discovered Uranus. Uranus was discovered in 1781, by an astronomer named William Herschel. William Herschel wanted to name the planet after King George the 3rd but he named after the ancient Greek god of the sky.
You might not be knowing this but Uranus has 11 rings that are very hard to see. Uranus has 27 moons, can you believe that ? They are mostly named after Shakespeare. Titania is Uranus' largest moon and is much smaller than Triton, the largest moon of Neptune.
Uranus has an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, with a small amount of methane and traces of water and ammonia and has no solid surface, so that would make it a gas giant. Uranus's axis is different from the other planets because it is tipped on its side. Some scientists think that Uranus was tipped on its side by a planet sized body. But did you know that Uranus's rotations axis is almost horizontal.

Uranus has an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, with a small amount of methane and traces of water and ammonia and has no solid surface, so that would make it a gas giant. Uranus's axis is different from the other planets because it is tipped on its side. Some scientists think that Uranus was tipped on its side by a planet sized body. But did you know that Uranus's rotations axis is almost horizontal.
Facts about Uranus
1. Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun
2. a day on Uranus is 17 hours and 15 min
3. Uranus's magnetic field is tipped over.
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