The Milky Way Galaxy
Hello everybody, my blog today is about the Milky Way Galaxy.Well, the The Milky way Galaxy has somewhere between 200 billion and 400 billion stars, can you believe that? So the milky way galaxy is made up of planets, gas, dust and an unknown substance called Dark Matter . Do you know why the Milky Way Galaxy is called that name, it is because it looks haze and white from earth in the night sky. If a person could step outside our galaxy and look in, the milky way galaxy would look like a spiral with a band across the middle. Four major arms, and several minor ones, spiral around the bulge in an area know as the disk. Outside the disk is a spherical halo of old stars. Most astronomers think there's a massive black hole in the center of the galaxy. A black hole is the results of a collapsed star or large group of stars. The earth is located in a minor arm of the disk called Orion arm. Our solar system orbits around the galactic center once every 225-250 million year. That period of time is called the galactic year. Earth and 100 billion stars call the Milky Way home.

nice blog of awesomeness