Sunday, March 9, 2014

  The Moon

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the second brightest object in the sky ,the Moon.
Did you all know that the Moon is the second brightest object in the sky ,because the Moon reflects light of the sun?

Something cool about the Moon is, when the Moon orbits the Earth, different portions of it are lit up by the Sun which is called lunar phases. But it takes the Moon about 27 days to go around the Earth once. Also the time from one full moon to next is 29 days and is called a lunar month.

Now we can talk about the surface of the Moon. Have any of you noticed the dark spots or patches on the Moon?  Well those dark patches are sunken plains called seas. And  there is no water on the Moon. The lighter spots on the Moon are the Mountains. We do not know how the Moon is actually formed, but here are some theories.
1.It formed along with the earth .
2.The moon was part of the earth and broke off
3.The moon was floating in the solar system and got captured by earth gravity
4.The Moon was part of Earth and a planet the size of Mars smashed into the Earth and created a cloud of molten rock that hardened and created the moon .
Now I will tell you some cool facts about Moon.
1. The moon has ice
2. The moon is like Earth's natural satellite
3. Neil Armstrong was the first man to go to the moon.
 Well guys this is the end of my blog so bye.



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