Sunday, May 11, 2014

                         The Water Cycle

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the Water cycle. This might be a really short blog post. Ok the first thing we are going to talk about  is the steps in the Water cycle. There are four steps Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and collection.

                               Evaporation is when water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor.


                             Condensation is when water vapor in the air is changed into a liquid

                                                     Precipitation is like rain, hail, and snow

                          Collection is when precipitation falls into streams, lakes, and oceans

The last thing we are going to talk about is how the water cycle is related to weather patterns and climate. OK lets say that it was a hot and sunny day then water would evaporate and there are a lot more. Well this is the end so bye.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

                    Non-Renewable Resources

 Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about the renewable and non-renewable energy. But let me first ask,whether you know what natural resources are? Well ,natural resources are materials or substances that are found in nature.  There are also two types of resources, renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are the resources that we can re-use and will not run out off like wind, water, and the sun.While non-renewable resources means you can not use them again and will run out one day.Examples of non-renewable resources are oil,coal, and minerals.

 Fossil fuels are the remains of a once living thing. And they are considered as a non-renewable resources, since there is a limited supply of them. We use more and more non-renewable resources than renewable resources. We use non-renewable resources more because, they are much cheaper and give more power.

Now we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectric energy. An advantage for solar energy is, it does not pollute. The bad thing is, they cost a lot of money but also some people think they look tacky or weird. Now let's move on to wind energy. An advantage of wind energy is, it does not pollute and the wind is mostly always blowing. Disadvantages are they take a lot of space. Now on to the last one, hydroelectric energy. Hydroelectricity can produce a lot of energy and does not pollute. Though they cost a lot of money to make and to of land is flooded to make a dam.

The last thing I am going to talk about today is ,the conservation and why it is important. Conservation is conserving something or saving something.  Why conservation is important?. It can save earth from pollution. Well, if we keep on polluting the earth and cut down trees then Ice caps will melt and flood a lot of land. Well guys this is the end so bye.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

                                           Moon Phases

 Hello Everyone today we are going to learn about the Moon's phases. First talk about a myth about the moon.  We will do  "Do wolves howl on a full moon".  Wolves really do not howl at the moon. They are just communicating to other wolves, but why do they point their faces at the moon you ask? Well if they project their calls upward allows the sound to carry farther.



Okay now we will talk about the moon's phases. Did you know that the whole concept of months are based on the moon's phases. Well the reason why the moon goes through faces is because the sun strikes the moon's surface at different angles.  Though Shadows have nothing to do with this.


Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this, a lunar eclipse does not happen often because It only happens when the moon is in direct alignment with the Earth and the Sun. Like the Earth the moon is always half lit by the sun and the other half in darkness. But the amount that we see changes as the moon moves in orbit. Now we will talk about the moon's phases. The first phase is the New moon. It is when the moon is completely dark and there is not a single bit of light. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you when a moon is waxing the light grows.

A waxing crescent moon is when the sun light portion is still less than half. Half moon is when half the moon is lit up.  The waxing gibbous moon is when the lit portion is more than half. Full moon is my favorite phase, it is when the whole moon is lit. Waning gibbous is when the light continually decreases then the third quarter and finally waning crescent, which is the phase then the whole cycle starts over again. Well guys this is it so bye

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

  The Moon

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the second brightest object in the sky ,the Moon.
Did you all know that the Moon is the second brightest object in the sky ,because the Moon reflects light of the sun?

Something cool about the Moon is, when the Moon orbits the Earth, different portions of it are lit up by the Sun which is called lunar phases. But it takes the Moon about 27 days to go around the Earth once. Also the time from one full moon to next is 29 days and is called a lunar month.

Now we can talk about the surface of the Moon. Have any of you noticed the dark spots or patches on the Moon?  Well those dark patches are sunken plains called seas. And  there is no water on the Moon. The lighter spots on the Moon are the Mountains. We do not know how the Moon is actually formed, but here are some theories.
1.It formed along with the earth .
2.The moon was part of the earth and broke off
3.The moon was floating in the solar system and got captured by earth gravity
4.The Moon was part of Earth and a planet the size of Mars smashed into the Earth and created a cloud of molten rock that hardened and created the moon .
Now I will tell you some cool facts about Moon.
1. The moon has ice
2. The moon is like Earth's natural satellite
3. Neil Armstrong was the first man to go to the moon.
 Well guys this is the end of my blog so bye.



Sunday, March 2, 2014


Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Neptune. First, we should talk about how Neptune was discovered. Can you believe that,
unlike the other planets Neptune was found using math. Neptune  got its name after the Roman god of the sea, I can see why, because the whole planet looks like it has water on it.

Let's compare and contrast Neptune to the other gas giant planets. One similarity is
 all the planets are not

 solid only their core is. Neptune is slightly smaller than the other gas giant but also Neptune and the other gas giants all have rings. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you this, Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun, and also that some times Pluto is closer to the Sun because of its strange orbit.

Great Dark Spot
Do you know that Voyager 2 found a storm on Neptune ,in 1989 ,called 'The Great Dark Spot' ? The great dark spot was the  gigantic storm with the size of the earth. But later  the Great Dark Spot',  became small.  The Small Dark Spot is similar to The Great Dark Spot except it is just a little smaller.
 Now we can talk about the Scooter, don't think , the  scooter  I am going to talk about is the  scooter you ride on. The Scooter is a large storm that went around Neptune every 16 hours.


There is no way you could Survive in Neptune because there is no water to drink or no oxygen to breath. Neptune has 13 moons and it's biggest moon Triton is really cold , because ,it orbits the opposite direction of Neptune. But something really sad is that ,Triton will soon be torn apart. Well guys I have to go so bye.

 1.Neptune has strong storms
2. Neptune's magnetic field 27 times more powerful than Earth's magnetic field.
 3.Neptune has 13 moons


Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Uranus. We can first start to talk about who discovered Uranus. Uranus was discovered in 1781, by an astronomer named William Herschel. William Herschel wanted to name the planet after King George the 3rd but he named after the ancient Greek god of the sky.

You might not be knowing this but Uranus has 11 rings that are very hard to see. Uranus has 27 moons, can you believe that ? They are mostly named after Shakespeare. Titania is  Uranus' largest moon and is much smaller than Triton, the largest moon of Neptune.

Uranus has an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, with a small amount of methane and traces of water and ammonia and has no solid surface, so that would make it a gas giant. Uranus's axis is different from the other planets because it is tipped on its side. Some scientists think that Uranus was tipped on its side by a planet sized body. But did you know that Uranus's rotations axis is almost  horizontal.
Facts about Uranus
 1. Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun
2.  a day on Uranus is 17 hours and 15 min
3.  Uranus's magnetic field is tipped over.
Well guys I hoped you enjoyed my blog.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hello Everyone, today we are going to talk about NASA hunting for fossils on Mars. Right now two rovers are on Mars one Curiosity and the other Opportunity. They are both on different side of the planet and analyze the environment and send reports and footage then send all that down to earth. Curiosity is the size of car. Millions of dollars were spent just in curiosity mission alone.
Right now the Opportunity rover rests at a location known as the Endeavor Crater. At this crater, Opportunity has analyzed minerals in the rock bedding, which have been found to be smectite clay. This particular mineral can only have developed during a time when there were a large presence of water. That points out the fact that,at a time there were a large amounts of water on Mars.


 Curiosity has helped scientists to spot out   a location on Mars known as Yellowknife Bay which has  high mineral counts and a high chance of supported life. Curiosity is now on her way to Mount Sharp as NASA prepares the next rover to launch in 2020.  We still can not say that whether life exist on Mars. But we will know whether life exist in the nearest future.
Well everyone this is the end . I hope you liked it.


Monday, January 20, 2014


Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Saturn. First, lets talk about how Saturn got it's name. Does any one know which Roman God is  Saturn? Well ,if you do not know this Saturn got it's name from the Roman god of agriculture. Let  me explain  how  Saturn is compare to the other planets in our solar system in size and distance from the sun. 

Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and it is the brightest planet  in our solar system . It is the 6th planet away from the sun. One really cool thing about Saturn is that, it has the lowest density in the solar system
so if you drop Saturn in a lake it would float! But do you know that Saturn's rings are made up of  rock and ice and has  62  moons?

Do you all know that Titan is Saturn's largest moon and it  is bigger than Mercury .Scientist have showed a lot of interest in Titan.. But why does it  interest scientists? The reasons are: 
1. Titan could have had a atmosphere like earth.
 2. Titan has pools of liquid Methane.
 3. Titan could Support life.

                                                                If you look  at the Saturn rings we would see that rings are not solid they are made of ringlets. Saturn is not the only planet with rings. The average day in Saturn is 10 hours.
well everyone ,I have to go. so bye !

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