Thursday, November 21, 2013

                Trolled Haired Mystery Bug Found in Suriname

Hello everybody, today we are going to do a news story on Trolled Haired a mystery Bug. This bug is found in Suriname, by Trond Larsen. Trond Larsen has spotted and photographed this bug, at Suriname, in 2012, during an international expedition of field biologists. But the sad part is that, Trond Larsen couldn't get the live specimen of the bug because they hop very fast. Till now we don't know if this bug is a new species or not. But my thought is that, when we have more information of this bug and it will turn as a new species.

Look at the picture; do you see the small wings on this bug? If you look closely you can see it. The bug in this picture is in the nymph stage and it looks very different from adult, so that would make identifying the bug hard. It is believed that, predators of this insect would be very tiny and the bug could have hairs that break off sort of like a lizard’s tail.

This bug was known to the world just recently a year ago. Are you guys are wondering why I choose this topic? The reason is this bug could be a potential new species and not well known to the world. I am sorry that I could only get one picture for this post, since this is the only picture about this bug taken till today. I don't have more information on this bug, so I am concluding my bog on this bug. I guess I will see you next on the next new blog post.


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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hello everyone, today we are going to learn about Mars. In Roman mythology,Mars is the god of war. Do you know why Mars is called the Red Planet ? Mars is called the Red Planet because Mars is a reddish planet so they give it the name Mars. Now I will talk about Mars' moons. Something cool about Mars is, it has two moons and their names are Phobos and Deimos and they both are a small , heavily cratered object. Let me describe what  Mars's atmosphere and temperature look like. Mars' atmosphere is made of 75% of carbon dioxide and it's temperature is usually about -55 Celsius.  


The evidence shows that Mars may have water .Mars has polar ice caps which is frozen water but also has channels. Mars is similar to earth  because they both have north and south poles. Like earth ,Mars' has  mountains. But they both have polar ice caps and so much more.

My top 5 interesting facts for the planet Mars
  • It has seasons 
  • It has a Iron core
  • It has North and South poles 
  • Mars could have water
  • No one knows how Mars moon's formed 
Did you know that there is a  called Curiosity that was sent on to Mars to see if  Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms. I have to go guys so bye.

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

                                                                Mercury and Venus

Hello everybody, today we are going to learn about Mercury and Venus. Let’s first talk about Mercury's surface temperature. At day time Mercury can be very hot like 800 degrees Fahrenheit which is very very hot! But at night it can go up to -170 degrees Celsius. Oh! I forgot to tell you the reason why this happens. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun that is why it is very hot .Mercury barely has an atmosphere. Since it barely has an atmosphere to trap the heat from daytime, night temperatures become very cold.

Do you know Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and has an iron core, while Venus is mainly carbon dioxide and is the sixth largest planet in the solar system? I am now going to give a comparison and contrast of these two planets. Well one thing for sure, they are both really hot and they both can be seen passing across the face of the sun. The differences are the days on the planet are different like a day on Venus is equal to about 8 months longs while a day on Mercury is equal to 55 earth days. Do you know that life is unlikely on Venus because Venus has lot of volcanoes?  

The name Mercury comes from the Roman messenger God. While the name Venus comes from the roman god of love and beauty Aphrodite. Some interesting facts are that Venus’s atmosphere is rapidly spinning. Mercury has no atmosphere, it has a thin exosphere. I hope I was able to give some good information on Mercury and Venus, well guys I have to go now so good bye.

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