Hello everybody, did you like my last blog? Well today we are going to talk about Stars! Do you know about what a stellar nursery is. Well, if you don't know what a stellar nursery is it is a cloud filled with dust gas where stars are formed. In that cloud of gas and dust are baby protostars. Protostars are just dense clumps then if clump grows large in of by gravity it begins to give of heat.
This heat and pressure build until nuclear fusion begins to take place. This is when two hydrogen atoms combine to make helium atoms pretty cool right. Anyways, after nuclear fusion happens it enters its main sequence. The main sequence is the longest part of a stars life.Our Sun is in its main sequence right now.

Well the last thing I have to tell you is about Pulsar stars. Pulsar stars sound like a star that would give of waves. Well that is eventually what it is a star that spins rapidly and emits radio waves. Well I got to go so bye.
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Hello everybody, did you like my last blog? Well today we are going to talk about Stars! Do you know about what a stellar nursery is. Well, if you don't know what a stellar nursery is it is a cloud filled with dust gas where stars are formed. In that cloud of gas and dust are baby protostars. Protostars are just dense clumps then if clump grows large in of by gravity it begins to give of heat.
This heat and pressure build until nuclear fusion begins to take place. This is when two hydrogen atoms combine to make helium atoms pretty cool right. Anyways, after nuclear fusion happens it enters its main sequence. The main sequence is the longest part of a stars life.Our Sun is in its main sequence right now.
Now lets talk about what happens to a star after its main sequence. The next stage of a star is a Red Giant. Lets use our sun as an example. When our sun becomes a red giant it becomes more red and bigger. But soon it comes bigger and bigger and bigger until it burns all the planets including the earth. But don't be scared we would be long gone when that happens. But soon the outer layer will go away and becomes a Planetary Nebula

The last stage of a star is a star becoming a White Dwarf. But a white dwarf is also the core of a dead star that is small but dense.
But there is another way a star can die can you try to guess. Well if you don't know the answer at all I will tell you. Another way a stars can die is by a super nova. A Super Nova is
a large star collapsing in on it self and EXPLODES.
But some stars turn into black holes. If you didn't see my last blog it was about black holes.
Well the last thing I have to tell you is about Pulsar stars. Pulsar stars sound like a star that would give of waves. Well that is eventually what it is a star that spins rapidly and emits radio waves. Well I got to go so bye.
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