Monday, December 16, 2013

Hello everybody, today's topic is about Jupiter. Jupiter  is the biggest planet in the solar system. Let's first start with how the planet came to be called Jupiter. Well Jupiter got it's name from the Romans's King of Gods Jupiter, who was also the god of the sky and thunder. Do you know what are  the characteristics of Jupiter? If you don't  let me explain it ,Jupiter is about 90% hydrogen and 9.99% helium and some other elements. Jupiter's atmosphere resembles our sun, Some scientist think Jupiter as a failed star. Jupiter has four Moons Io,Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. 

Io is the most volcanic thing in the solar system and  Io's surface is covered by large sulfur lava. Ganymede the largest moon in our solar system and it is bigger than Mercury.Callisto, the third largest moon in the solar system and is composed of rocks and ices. The last thing is Europa, the planet that might be able to support life because it might have a ocean under the frozen crust.


Do any of you know what the Giant Red Spot is? Well it is a storm that has been going on for hundreds and thousands of years. There is a difference between Jupiter and the inner plant Can you guess it. If you do not know the answer, the answer is, Jupiter has four moons and a storm that has been going on for millions of years. The last thing for the day is about why Jupiter has a stronger gravity, well Jupiter has a bigger mass so the bigger the planet the more gravity. I am going to conclude my blog here today, so good bye.

Fun Facts 
 1 . Jupiter would have to be many times large to be a sun
2.  Jupiter has a storm
3.  Jupiter atmosphere is like the suns
4. Jupiter's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than earths
5. The great red spot has been observed for more than 300 hundred years

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Sunday, December 8, 2013


                             Comets, Meteors and Asteroids


Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about Comets, Meteors and Asteroids. Let's first talk about what are Comets. Comets are made up of ice, dust and rock particles and have arts like the Coma, Tail. When a Comet gets close to the sun, it's ice melts and then a mix of gas and dust are pushed away from the comet from solar winds and then that creates a tail called the Coma.

Now let's look at what are Meteors.


Do you know that there is a difference between Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites?  Well, a Meteoroid is a space rock smaller than an Asteroid. If a Meteoroid enters earth's atmosphere, it becomes a Meteor ,and parts of the Meteor that don't burn up become Meteorites. Have you seen a Meteor shower? If you have, you probably don't know why they occur. So let me explain why Meteor shower occurs.Meteor shower occurs, when the earth passes through the dusty orbit of a comet.

Meteor Shower

The last thing I am going to present to you is, Asteroids; Asteroids are chunks of rock that can usually be found in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. There are some difference between Asteroids and Comets . Comet has ice in them and  Comets have tails.Comets have more elliptical orbit than  Asteroids.Comets appear more fuzzier than Asteroids.


you may ask Why do we need to study comets ? Well Scientist study Comets to know more about the origin of our Solar System.  Here are some fun facts.

1. Haley's Comet revolves around the once every 76 years

2.Scientists have found more than 90,000 Asteroids in the asteroid Belt

3. Comets are sometimes called a dirty snowball

Hope you enjoyed my blog. Bye now.

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