Sunday, October 20, 2013

                                      Big clawed fossil had spider like brain
Wow can you believe that Scientists have discovered the best preserved nervous system in an ancient fossil. Scientists say the fossil dates back 520 million years ago and the clawed fossil shows clear evidence of the brain and nerve cords running through the creatures trunk. Nerves in this fossil seems to be similar between major groups of animals. Now lets learn some more things about the fossil. Can you believe all thanks to this fossil we can finally confirm that the ancestor of spiders and scorpions are related to each other. 

You are probably wondering where scientists found this fossil.Well this fossil was found in South China.But the most amazing part is that this fossil is a part of Alalcomenaeus a group which has segmented bodies and a dozen pairs of appendages which allow these creatures to swim and crawl.OK the last thing I have to tell you about this fossil is that that these creatures are from a extinct group of marine arthropods that are know as megacheirans in "Greek for large claws". Well guys what do you think about this story? Well to me I thought this was a pretty interesting story because now we can finally confirm that the ancestor of spiders and scorpions are finally related. Sorry guys I have to leave so bye. 


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Sunday, October 6, 2013


Spiral galaxies
Hello everybody today we will talk about Galaxies. A galaxy is really a huge group of stars, gas, and it's held together by gravity and there are probably more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe.Let's take an adventure in space.We will talk about the types of galaxies first.The first type of galaxy is spiral galaxies which  look like pinwheels and have a small bright center, or nucleus. These contain young aged stars you cant ride them though 

Barred Spiral Galaxy

The next type of galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy. This one has arms that extend side ways in a short straight line like a bar before spiraling outwards.These contain middle aged stars. Well now we have two more to learn about.

Irregular galaxies

Irregular galaxies doesn't sound like it is a not a regular galaxy. Well that is exactly what it is a galaxy which has no symmetrical shape.  But these galaxies contain young stars and are fairly small .

The last galaxy, OK this galaxy is called elliptical galaxies. You can think of elliptical galaxies as flattened balls. And they don't have any obvious arrangement. Can you try to guess what elliptical galaxies contain?  If you don't know, I can tell you that  it contains old stars.

Super cluster

That's all I have to share you about the type of galaxies.Now  I like to share with you  about the smaller stuff like supercluster. A supercluster is a large group of galaxies. But some galaxies are alone in space. Well scientist believe that in the middle galaxies there is a black hole that is way bigger than our sun and it also suck things in.    .

 Have you ever heard about  Redshift and Blueshift ? These names are related with the galaxies moving apart because of the big bang. Red shift is when a star moves away from us. That would be on the red side of the visible light spectrum. For Blueshift that would be a star coming close to us and that would show on the Blue side of the visible light spectrum. The last thing I have to tell you is about Doppler shift that is about a object moving towards or away from something. Well I got to go so bye.  

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